• imma widyawati agustin Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Universitas Brawijaya
  • septiana hariyani Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Universitas Brawijaya
  • sherly oktafia damayanti Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Universitas Brawijaya



commuter line, quality function deployment, importance performance analysis


Surabaya City is the National Activity Center in East Java which has a heterogeneous function and
serves as the center of orientation for the activities of residents living in the surrounding area. Every
day many commuters are active in Surabaya City. The highest number of commuters came from
Sidoarjo Regency with 169.560 people or 40% of the total 423.109 people. However, of the total
commuters, only 1.246 people, or 0,7% of the 169.560 commuters rely on the commuter line, while
the number of private vehicle users is 159.190 people. This causes congestion with the movement
pattern of private vehicles in the Sidoarjo region to Surabaya with a volume of 3.491 pcu/hour with
an LOS of 0,90 to 1,58. One of the government's efforts to reduce the use of private vehicles is to
provide mass transportation in the form of commuter lines. This study aims to evaluate the operational
performance and service of the commuter line Surabaya-Pasuruan route to determine which aspects
need to be prioritized to serve optimally. The data obtained through observation and questionnaires
were reviewed using operational performance analysis (load factor, headway, travel time, waiting
time), IPA, and QFD. The results of the operational performance analysis showed various problems,
namely the load factor exceeding the 60% standard carrying capacity due to Covid-19 adaptation and
waiting time exceeding the maximum standard of 20 minutes. The priority of technical response
directives is obtained in improving operational and service performance, namely the periodic
maintenance and inspection of railway facilities.


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How to Cite
agustin, imma widyawati, hariyani, septiana ., & damayanti, sherly oktafia . (2021). ALTERNATIVE PRIORITIES FOR IMPROVING COMMUTERLINE PERFORMANCE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. REKSABUMI, 1(1), 68–85.