The Co-Catalyst: Journal of Science Education Research and Theories is delighted to announce a call for papers for our upcoming issue. We invite researchers, educators, and practitioners in the field of science education to submit their original manuscripts for consideration. Our journal aims to publish high-quality research articles, theoretical perspectives, and innovative practices that contribute to the advancement of science education.

We welcome submissions on various topics related to science education, including but not limited to STEM education, curriculum development, pedagogical approaches, assessment and evaluation, educational technology, and teacher professional development. Manuscripts should demonstrate rigorous research methodologies and provide valuable insights into improving science education practices.

Accepted papers will undergo a thorough peer-review process, ensuring the publication of scholarly works that meet the highest standards of quality and contribute to the body of knowledge in science education. Published articles will be freely accessible, promoting the dissemination of research findings to a wide audience.

As an author, you will have the opportunity to showcase your research and contribute to the advancement of science education. Submit your manuscripts electronically through our online submission system. The deadline for submissions is August 31, 2023.

We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions and collaborating in the dissemination of innovative ideas and research in science education.

Editor-in-Chief The Co-Catalyst: Journal of Science Education Research and Theories.
