Determinant Factors of Founding-Family Firms’ Performance in Indonesia


  • Alex Johanes Simamora Universitas Terbuka



Founding-Family Firms, Firms’ Performance, Firm Reputation, Risk-Taking Behavior, Agency Costs


This research aims to examine the factors that moderate the effect of founding-family firms on performance. Moderating variables include firm reputation, risk-taking behavior, agency costs of managers-shareholders, and agency costs of majority-minority shareholders. Firms' performance includes accounting-based and market-based performance. This research uses 412 manufacturing firm-years listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange as the research sample. The hypotheses test uses a random-effect regression as the main test and a common-effect regression test as an alternative test. Based on data analysis, firm reputation, risk-taking behavior, agency costs of mangers-shareholders, and agency costs of majority-minority shareholders moderates the effect of the founding family on performance. It indicates that founding-family firms can achieve higher performance if they promote a higher firm reputation, lower risk-taking behavior, and lower agency costs. This research fills the previous findings gap of performance in the founding-family firms. This research captures when founding-family firms can improve performance or experience performance reduction. To the best of the author's knowledge, this research is also the first research that provides a comprehensive picture of determinant factors of founding-family firms' in Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Simamora, A. J. (2022). Determinant Factors of Founding-Family Firms’ Performance in Indonesia. JFBA: Journal of Financial and Behavioural Accounting, 1(2), 25–46.




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