Manuscript Structure

1.Title must be clear, informative, no more than 15 words

2.Name of the author and the institution is written clearly accompanied by an email address, without an academic degree

3.Abstract consists of a brief explanation of the background (2 sentences), objectives, methods, results and discussion. Abstract written in Bahasa and English no more than 150 words. Keywords consist of 3 – 7 words or phrases

4.Introduction contains the general background of the research, a review of previous research, novelty statement or gap analysis, and the research objectives.

5.Research method contains the time and location of research, sources and types of research data, data collection, data processing techniques and data analyzing process.

6.Results and discussion contain the processed results and data analysis (tables, charts, pictures, and others) that are relevant to the research objectives, analysis / comparison with previous research, the relationship with concepts/theories, as well as the implications of the research findings.

7.Conclusions are written briefly, clearly and informatively based on the results of the research produced

8.Bibliography contains a list of references, textbooks, journals, other sources used in article writing in the last 10 years, with a minimum of 20 sources of bibliography and 80 percent of published journals.

9.Here is an article presentation template for AgriDev Journal : TEMPLATE JURNAL AGRIDEV.pdf