Romi Siswanto
(Universitas Terbuka)

About the Journal

Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Kontemporer  adalah jurnal yang dipublikasikan dibawah naungan LPPM Universitas Terbuka. Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Kontemporer adalah jurnal yang dikelola oleh dosen Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi, yang dapat menampung artikel tentang Pendidikan Ekonomi tingkat dasar dan menengah, untuk perguruan tinggi bidang garapannya Pendidikan Ekonomi, Manajemen, Kewirausahaan, Ekonomi Digital, Digital Marketing. Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Kontemporer diterbitkan secara periodeik dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu bulan Januari dan Juli

ISSN: 3046-8795 (Online) | ISSN: (Printed)

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Januari

Published: 2024-01-15

The "Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Kontemporer" is a journal published under the aegis of LPPM Universitas Terbuka. It focuses on various topics in the field of economic education at the basic and higher education levels, as well as in management and entrepreneurship. The journal issues publications twice a year, in January and July. The current issue, Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024), was published on January 15, 2024, and includes a range of articles on topics related to educational methods and approaches in economic studies. For more details and specific articles, you can visit their website here.

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