Author Guidelines


This guide contains systematic articles in the Anthropocene: Journal of Social Studies and Humanities. The systematics of articles in this journal consists of four parts: introduction, research methods, results, and discussion. Systematically, the scope of the article starts from writing the title, abstract and keywords (both English and Indonesian), introduction, method, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement (if any), and ends with a list of references. Therefore, please, the author, carefully pay attention to the following guidelines!


The title is written in the English language briefly, informatively, and less than 20 words  (14pt)

Author and Affiliation
The author's name is written in full and without a title. Authors must include the name of the study program, faculty, and university origin.

As a form of correspondence, the author must include an active email.

written briefly and covers the research objective, method, result, and conclusion with an emphasis on state of the art.  The abstract is written with Times New Roman 11 between 150-300 words, single spaced.   The first sentence of the abstract must contain the research objective and focus. The following sentences must contain the research method, result, and conclusion. The abstract is written both in Indonesian and English language.

The introduction contains the background of the problem and the purpose of the problem. Preliminary content should have brought up novelty and state of the art, meaning that the problem is based on theory and the results of previous research published through scientific articles—citation written in APA style sixth edition. The introduction is no more than three pages and may not use sub-sections. The purpose of writing or research is written at the end of the introduction.

The introduction is written with capital letters, Times New Roman 12, and 1.15 space. The introduction must contain the problem background and problem objectives. The introduction must emphasize the state of the art with some underlying phenomena, theories, and previous studies. Citations must be written based on APA style (the last names of authors, year). 

The introduction must be less than three pages without any sub-chapters. The end of an introduction must contain the research objectives.


Methods contain the design, size, criteria, and method of sampling, instruments used and collection procedures, processing, and data analysis. When using a questionnaire as an instrument, explain the contents briefly and to measure which variables. The validity and reliability of the instrument must also be explained. In experimental research or interventions, it is necessary to explain the intervention procedure or treatment provided. In this section, it must explain how research ethics approval is obtained and the protection of the rights of the respondents imposed. Data analysis using a computer program does not need written details of the software if it is not original software. For qualitative research, this section needs to explain how research safeguards the validity of the data obtained. The method section is written briefly in two to three paragraphs with a maximum of 600 words. The methodological part must be less than one page, written with Times New Roman 12, bold, and 1.15 space. 

Result and Discussion

This part must be written with capital letters, Times New Roman 12, and 1.15 space. The results must be supported with adequate data. If the authors have sub-discussions, they must adjust the sub-discussions based on the needs and the appropriateness. The sub-discussions must be written with Times New Roman 12, bold. Discussion must contain elaborations, comparisons, and uniqueness of the research. 

Authors can present the results with tables, graphs, or figures to explain the results verbally. The titles of tables, graphs, or captions must be written in the form of brief phrases instead of sentences. The explanations of figures or graphs must be below the figures or graphs. On the other hand, the titles of tables must be above the tables.  The titles must apply capital letters at the beginning of the letters. The examples of inserting tables and figures.

Table 1 Title of Tables (Times New Roman, 11) see the template

(source of the table, year



Figure 1: The title of the figure (source and year) (Times New Roman, 11) see the template


The conclusion must contain brief and clear results, written with Times New Roman 12, 1.15 space. The conclusion must include the research implication dealing with newly presented concepts. The conclusion must be less than a paragraph


The acknowledgment is addressed to the funding institution or individuals that facilitate the research and article writing. This part must be written with Times New Roman 12,and 1.15 space.


This part must be written with Times New Roman 11,and 1.15 space. The bibliography must only contain the cited references or articles. The paper must at least contain 15 references from books and articles from reputable, national, and international journals with a ratio of 20% and 80%. The works should be published within the recent 10 years except for specific researchers. The bibliography must be arranged alphabetically based on the authors’ names. The bibliography must be arranged based on APA 6h Edition (American Psychological Association, 2010), preferably managed with Mendeley. Here is the guideline to arrange the bibliography

  • Literatursources from journal articles 


Shintadewi, E.A & Sumartias S. (2017). Promosi Kesehatan HIV-AIDS dan Stigma Terhadap Pengguna Narkoba Suntik (Penasun) di Kabupaten Sumedang.Sosiohumaniora, 19 (2): 129-140.

Agustinus, W. (2016) Kerangka Ekonomo Makro Daerah Kota Bitung di Kawasan Pengembangan Ekonomi Terpadu. Sosiohumaniora, 18 (2): 185-190.

  • Literature sources from printed books 


Azwar, S. (2007). Metode penelitian. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar

Lunsford, A., & Ede, L. (2009). Child education: Perspective on Teaching Activities. Carbondale: Illinois University Press.

Arikunto, S. (2002). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

  • Literature sources from proceeding 


Desiningrum, D. R. (2011). Future Time Perspective, Goal Orientation, and Subjective Well Being in Elderly. The Padjadjaran International Conference on Psychology (pp.17-23)Bandung, Indonesia: Faculty of Psychology, Padjadjaran University.

Setiawan, D. (2015). Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter di Era Global. Prosiding Penguatan Kompetensi Guru dalam Membangun Karakter Kewarganegaraan di Era Global. Seminar Nasional dalam Rangka Memperingati Hari Guru. Medan 28 November


  • Literature sources from theses and dissertations


Pratama, A. G. (2009). Kontribusi Kesejahteraan Subjektif Pada Religiusitas Islam, Persepsi Tentang Penyakit, dan Perilaku Menjaga Kesehatan Diri dalam Model Perilaku Memelihara Kesehatan: Suatu Upaya Menemukan Model Perilaku Memelihara Kesehatan dengan Taraf Kecocokan Optimal pada Penderita HIV+. Disertasi. Program Pascasarjana Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung.

Latifah, S.S. (2011). Perbedaan Kerja Ilmiah Siswa Sekolah Alam dalam Pembelajaran Sains dengan Pendekatan PJBL Yang Terintegrasi, Tesis. Sekolah Pascasarjana Univesitas Pendidikan Indonesia

  • Translated book sources 


Steel, R.G.D. & Torrie, J.H. (1991). Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika: Suatu Pendekatan Biometrik. Translated by B. Sumantri. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Erb, Maribeth. 2010. Kebangkitan Adat Di Flores Barat: Budaya, Agama Dan Tanah. Dalam Adat Dalam Politik Indonesia, edited by Jamie S. Davidson, David Henley, and Sandra Moniaga, translated by Emilius Ola Kleden dan Nina Dwisasanti “ The Revival of Tradition in Politics: The Deployment of Adat from Colonialism to Indigenism,” 269–299. Jakarta: YOI dan KITL 

Bourdieu, P. (2010). Dominasi Maskulin. Translated by Stephanus Anwar Herwinarko. Yogyakarta: Jalasutra.


  • Literature sources from newspapers or magazines 


Syamsuddin, A. (2008). Penemuan Hukum ataukah Perilaku Chaos? Kompas. Jakarta. January 4. p.16

Romli, Usep. (2013). Trend Wisata Alam: Ngitung Lembur, Ngajajah Milang Kori. Pikiran Rakyat. Bandung. January 5.

  • Internet sources 


Hariyanto, M, (2012). Ilmu Sosial dan Hegemoni Barat: Tantangan Bagi Ilmuan Sosial Muslim. Downloaded from July 9, 2017

Yahya, Harun.(2011). Keajaiban Hujan. Accessed on November 3, 2016. /38832/KEAJAIBAN-HUJAN.


  • Literature sources with four authors or editors. The last name of the first author entailed by et al. On the other hand, the cited reference in the bibliography must be written with full authors' last names.


Gorski, Philip S., David Kyuman Kim, John Torpey, & Jonathan Van Antwerpen (eds). 2012. The Post-Secular in Question: Religion in Contemporary Society. New York and London: New York University Press. 

Rahmathulla, V.K. Das P. Ramesh, M. & Rajan, R.K. (2007).  Growth Rate Pattern and Economic Traits of Silkworm Bombyx mori, L under the influence of folic acid administration. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage. 11(4): 81-84


  • Cited interviews 


Nuruzzaman, Komar (santri), interview by Busro. Pesantren Buntet Cirebon. November 14, 2015.