Peguyangan Kaja, Mutual Cooperation, Community Quality ImprovementAbstract
Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Program is carried out with the aim of growing awareness and empathy for
Warmadewa University students towards the real problems faced by rural communities, and also to realize
community welfare and educate the nation's life and to promote sustainable development. This KKN activity
is located in Peguyangan Kaja Village, North Denpasar District, Denpasar City, Bali Province. Peguyangan
kaja village office is located on Jl. North Ahmad Yani No. 456, Peguyangan Kaja, North Denpasar, Denpasar
City. Kuliah Kerja Nyata-Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KKN-PPM) UNWAR in Peguyangan
Kaja Village is Group 2 and consists of 30 students. The approach system used is direct observation and
deliberation. The solutions provided by KKN-PPM UNWAR students are as follows: 1) participating in "Clean
Friday" and other hygiene activities, 2) distributing free masks and socializing the community around
Peguyangan kaja village about the dangers of the omicron type of covid-19 virus, 3 ) assisting Posyandu
activities for toddlers and the elderly as well as providing additional food in Peguyangan Kaja Village, 4)
Implementation of the Stunting Case Prevention Program, 5) Marketing of local UMKM products through
Social Media and the benefits of mushrooms for health, 6) Implementation of the Delivery of Jempiring Plants
to Each Head of Dusun, 7) Implementation of Flowering Plant Planting Activities in Peguyangan 6
Elementary School Area, 8) 3rd dose vaccination activity for people in Peguyangan Kaja Village.
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