Author Guidelines
- Paper is written in Bahasa Indonesia or English with not more than 3000 words by using Times new Roman, 1.5 spaces, and size of 12.
- Place page number on the middle of the bottom.
- Title is in Bahasa Indonesia or English, not more than 20 words.
- Name of writer consisted of 1st writer, 2nd writer, and so on and not to be abbreviated.
- Write down the email address of each writer.
- Write the abstract in Bahasa Indonesia and English not more than 250 words which consisted of the purpose of study, data collecting technique, result of the study.
- Key words are in Bahasa Indonesia and English, not more than 6 words and ordered alphabetically.
- Introduction consisted of research background, literature study/theories, problem/s statement and the purpose of the paper.
- Method consisted of sampling technique, data analysis, and other relevant aspects.
- Result and Discussion consist of result of the study, tables, figures, and graphics. Result of the study then is explored and discussed by author and other sources such as journal article.
- Conclusion consist of the main result of the study, recommendation/implication and not in pointers form.
- References by using APA style.