Kampung Cerdas, Minat Membaca, Motivasi Pendidikan, Pelatihan Guru, Pendidikan LingkunganAbstract
The development program of Smart Village to improve the education motivation of community was carried
out in Tanjung Rejo Village, Kec. Percut Sei Tuan, Kab. Deli Serdang, North Sumatra Province. This
program is supported by partners, government and youth organizations in Tanjung Rejo Village. The
program is the first of three years planned program. It is hoped that during the three years of the program
running, the Open University of UPBJJ Medan will be able to turn Tanjung Rejo Village into a Smart Village
with the criteria that the village community is aware of the importance of education for life, for family welfare,
for the progress of the village, nation and state; rural communities will improve their education up to
university; villager love to read; the youth villagers have a wide range of skills; teachers in the village have
good teaching skills; villager officials have professional capabilities in administering village government
administration, managing village finances, and processing village statistical data. Thus, it is hoped that the
development of human resources in Tanjung Rejo Village will improve in the future.
The first year programs in 2022 that had been implemented included (1) activities to equalize public
perceptions to increase awareness of rural communities on the importance of early education and reading
culture and to increase motivation for higher education for village youth; (2) training activities to analyze
learning videos in the UT Online Smart Teacher Portal to improve teaching skills, critical thinking and
creative skills for Kindergarten/PAUD, SD, SMP teachers in Tanjung Rejo Village; (3) compiling
Environmental Education textbooks as a guide for teachers and parents in teaching students and children
to read aloud environmental education books so that students and children love to read, perceive, love, and
protect their living environment; (4) Instruct teachers and parents on how to read environmental education
textbooks to students and children; (5) publish program activities in newspapers in North Sumatera.
Keywords: educational motivation, environmental education, reading attentiveness, smart village,
teachers tutoring
Program pengembangan model Kampung Cerdas untuk meningkatkan motivasi pendidikan masyarakat ini
dilakukan di Desa Tanjung Rejo, Kec.Percut Sei Tuan, Kab. Deli Serdang, Provinsi Sumatera Utara.
Program ini didukung oleh mitra, Pemerintahan Desa dan Karang Taruna Desa Tanjung Rejo. Program ini
merupakan program tahun pertama dari tiga tahun yang direncanakan. Diharapkan selama tiga tahun
program berjalan, Universitas Terbuka UPBJJ Medan akan mampu menjadikan Desa Tanjung Rejo menjadi
Kampung Cerdas dengan kriteria masyarakat desa sadar akan pentingnya pendidikan bagi kehidupan, bagi
kesejahteraan keluarga, bagi kemajuan desa, bangsa dan negara; masyarakat desa akan meningkatkan
pendidikan hingga perguruan tinggi; masyarakat desa gemar membaca; pemuda desa memiliki berbagai
keterampilan; guru di desa memiliki keterampilan mengajar yang baik; aparat desa memiliki kemampuan
profesional dalam menyelenggarakan administrasi pemerintahan desa, pengelolaan keuangan desa, dan
pengolahan data statistik desa. Dengan demikian, diharapkan pembangunan dan pengembangan SDM di
Desa Tanjung Rejo akan meningkat di masa depan
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