ibolga Chilli Chips, Promotion, Export, Pandemic of Covid-19Abstract
Keripik Cabai Sibolga merupakan oleh-oleh khas daerah Sumatera Utara khususnya kota Sibolga dan menjadi ciri khas kota yang dikenal dengan sebutan Kota Ikan. Keripik Cabai Sibolga merupakan hasil industri kuliner yang saat ini sedang menarik wisatawan dan diharapkan dapat menjadi penopang perekonomian masyarakat Sibolga. Namun di masa pandemi COVID-19 ini banyak sektor yang terdampak, termasuk produksi dan pemasaran usaha Keripik Cabai Sibolga. Oleh karena itu, program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berupaya melakukan inovasi dalam pengemasan baik melalui repackaging dan rebranding serta perluasan pemasaran melalui promosi produk di pasar-pasar dan menembus pasar luar negeri melalui kegiatan ekspor. Pelayanan dimulai dengan analisa kebutuhan mitra UMKM, riset pasar internasional, perencanaan dan implementasi. Luaran dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah terciptanya sistem pengemasan produk yang lebih menarik perhatian dan sesuai standar internasional, serta terciptanya pusat bisnis ekspor Keripik Cabai Sibolga yang dimodifikasi, seperti website penjualan dan publikasi visual. di media sosial agar dapat lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat luas baik dalam maupun luar negeri melalui kegiatan ekspor. Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah pengemasan baru, promosi di marketplace dan ekspor ke pembeli luar negeri.
Sibolga Chilli Chips are souvenirs typical of the North Sumatra, especially the city of Sibolga and are the hallmark of the city known as the City of Fish. Sibolga Chilli Chips is the result of the culinary industry which is currently attracting tourists and is expected to be a supporter of the economy of the Sibolga community. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many sectors were affected, including the production and marketing of Sibolga Chilli Chips business. Therefore, this community service program seeks to innovate in packaging both through repackaging and rebranding as well as marketing expansion through product promotion in marketplaces and penetrate foreign markets through export activities. The service begins with an analysis of the needs of MSME partners, international market research, planning and implementation. The output of this community service is the creation of a product packaging system that is more eye-catching and in accordance with international standards, as well as the creation of a modified Sibolga Chilli Chips export business center, such as websites for sales and visual publications on social media so that they can be better known by the wider community both locally and abroad through export activities. The results of this community service are new packaging, promotions in the marketplace and exports to foreign buyers.
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