Keywords: cow’s milk, enterotoxin gene, exfoliative gene, gen enterotoksin, gen exfoliatif, goat’s milk, staphylococcusaureus, susu kambing, susu sapi perah
In humans, Staphylococcus aureus is an important pathogen as the cause of many cases of diseases such as food poisoning, skin infections, endocarditis, pneumonia, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, and enshefalitis. The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory Biotrop SEAMEO, Bogor aims to detect enterotoxin and exfoliative genes from Staphylococcus aureus isolates origin dairy cow milk and goat milk from the village of Cijeruk, Bogor. Research methods include preparation of DNA, 23S rRNA gene amplification, enterotoxin gene amplification and exfoliative gene amplification. Results of enterotoxin gene amplification (sea, seb) and exfoliative gene amplification (eta) against 2 isolates of S. aureus showed positive results, but negative for the exfoliative gene (etb). A positive result was indicated by the appearance of DNA fragments that have a specific length (121 bp sea, seb 477 bp, and 119 bp eta) according to the PCR products of reference and GeneBank database. It is concluded that the gene has been detected enterotoxin (sea, seb) and exfoliative (eta) on isolates of S. aureus origin dairy cow milk and goat milk from the village of Cijeruk, Bogor.
Pada manusia, Staphylococcus aureus merupakan patogen penting sebagai penyebab timbulnya berbagai kasus penyakit seperti keracunan makanan, infeksi kulit, endokarditis, pneumonia, osteomielitis, sepsis artritis, dan enshefalitis. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Seameo Biotrop, Bogor bertujuan mendeteksi gen enterotoksin dan exfoliatif isolat Staphylococcus aureus asal susu sapi perah dan susu kambing dari Desa Cijeruk, Bogor. Metode penelitian meliputi preparasi DNA, amplifikasi gen 23S rRNA, amplifikasi gen enterotoksin dan exfoliatif. Hasil amplifikasi gen enterotoksin (sea, seb) dan exfoliatif (eta) terhadap 2 isolat S. aureus menunjukkan hasil positif, tetapi negatif terhadap gen exfoliatif (etb). Hasil positif tersebut ditandai dengan munculnya fragmen DNA yang memiliki panjang spesifik (sea 121 bp, seb 477 bp, dan eta 119 bp) sesuai dengan produk PCR dari referensi dan database GeneBank. Disimpulkan bahwa telah dideteksi gen enterotoksin (sea, seb) dan exfoliatif (eta) pada isolat S. aureus asal susu sapi perah dan susu kambing dari Desa Cijeruk, Bogor.
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