Diversity of Wildlife Species Camera-Trap-Based in Sempu Island Nature Reserve, Malang Regency, East Java


  • Mohamad Sukron Makmum Balai Besar Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Jawa Timur




wildlife, camera trap, frequency of encounters, Sempu Island Nature Reserve


Concerns and vulnerability to the occurrence of damage to ecosystems in the Sempu Island Nature Reserve (CAPS), Malang Regency by human activities can have an impact on the survival of life and the decline of wildlife populations. The study aimed to calculate species richness and frequency of wildlife species encounters using camera traps in the CAPS area. The methodology uses the calculation of digital photographic recording evidence of camera traps. Wildlife caught on camera traps is calculated based on the


number of photographs, the number of species, and the number of days the camera is active. The results showed a wealth of wildlife identified as many as 15 species, namely Muntiacus muntjak (Cervidae), Macaca fascicularis (Cercopithecidae), Paradoxurus hermaprodithus (Viverridae), Callosciurus notatus (Sciuridae), Tragulus javanicus (Tragulidae), Hystrix javanica (Hystricidae), Trachypithecus auratus (Cercopithecidae), Sus scrofa (Suidae), Prionodon linsang (Prionodontidae), Varanus nebulosus (Varanidae), Gallus gallus (Phasianidae), Chalcophaps indica (Columbidae),  Spilornis cheela (Accipitridae), Hydrornis guajanus (Pittidae) and Varanus salvator (Varanidae). The results of calculating the frequency of wildlife encounters vary relatively from high to low values, but of the 15 species recorded the highest gains, Muntiacus muntjak (ER 11.17 photos / day) and Macaca fascicularis (ER 10 photos / day).


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How to Cite

Makmum, M. S. (2023). Diversity of Wildlife Species Camera-Trap-Based in Sempu Island Nature Reserve, Malang Regency, East Java. MANILKARA: Journal of Bioscience, 1(2), 86–94. https://doi.org/10.33830/manilkara.v1i2.5036.2023


