Publicattion Ethics

The following are publication ethics that must be considered:

  • The author must state that the submitted manuscript has never been published
  • The author must not engage in plagiarism or self-plagiarism
  • Penulis harus memberikan rincian data kepada editor apabila ada kecurigaan tentang originalitas
  • The author must provide detailed data to the editor if there is a suspicion about originality
  • Reviewers should comment when there is a possibility of errors in publication, ethics and research
  • Editors and reviewers must ensure the confidentiality of manuscripts.
  • If there is any doubt, the reader can send an email to the Manilkara Journal at the address
  • If there is any doubt about errors, publication/research ethics, or other issues regarding the integrity, reliability and validity of the Manilkara Journal publications, readers can send an email to Manilkara Journal.

These Publication Ethics are standarized by COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics