• Fery Setyo Nugroho Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Agam Marsoyo Universitas Gadjah Mada



Low-Cost Housing, Post-Occupancy Evaluation, Performance, Sustainability


In 2019, Indonesia was experiencing a housing backlog of around 7.6 million housing that must be
met by providing new houses. Therefore there was a policy to overcome it through “one million
housing” program. Salatiga City is one of the cities in Indonesia as a pilot project which has
constructed provision of low-cost housing. While the current problem condition that happens is some
facilities and infrastructure were unconstructed yet. Low-cost housing provision is just focused on
housing units neglecting housing facilities and infrastructure that provided services for residents in
post-occupancy. This research aims to assess the performance of residential housing and examine
the gap factors influencing sustainability from a post-occupancy evaluation (POE) of low-cost housing
projects. This research was conducted by assessing performance factors influencing sustainability
by POE to value the quality of the residential environment. The result showed that factors including
utility conditions; safety comfortability; social interactions; and access to workplace have good
performance. While other factors have not met the score for good performance. This research has
known that low-cost housing for civil servants can be said as unsustainable. The environmental
aspect had an important role in the sustainability of low-cost housing. Building unit condition,
infrastructure and neighborhood facility are factors with a big importance in influencing sustainability
of environmental aspect. Therefore, these factors need to get the main attention in the government’s
next low-cost housing development projects in supporting one million housing program policy.


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