• Rizki Kirana Yuniartanti Universitas Esa Unggul



RDTR, community participation, spatial planning


One of the Government's National Development Priority agendas in the National Medium-Term
Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024 is developing regions to reduce inequality and ensure equity.
This effort is carried out through the preparation of a Detailed Spatial Plan (RDTR). RDTR as a
reference for submitting confirmation/approval of of the Suitability of Spatial Utilization Activities
(KKPR) which can be carried out according to the level of risk according to the standards and quality
of space or environment. The Waisai Urban Area, Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua Province is one
of the areas that urgently needs to accelerate the preparation of the RDTR due to the large investment
opportunities there, especially the tourism sector.
Preparation of the Detailed Spatial Plan for the Waisai Urban Area by applying the participatory
planning concept. This is because the community is the beneficiary of the preparation of the Detailed
Spatial Plan for the Waisai Urban Area. This research will describe the preparing process that applies the
concept of participatory planning. Then in this study will also assess the level of community
participation in each activity of discussion forums and public consultations which are carried out using
a combined research approach (mixed method research) and scoring analysis tools. This research
will assess the level of community involvement in the preparation of the RDTR, as well as the real
contribution of community involvement. This research can be an example of learning for the
preparation of RDTR in Raja Ampat Regency in particular and other regions in Indonesia in general
by applying the concept of community participation.


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