Reviewer Guidelines

Reviewers can make a decision no later than 2 weeks after the article is submitted. Before you decide to accept or reject an article, please consider the following points.

General review

  • The suitability of the article with the field of expertise
  • Originality (has added value to knowledge)
  • Clarity of the method used
  • Make specific comments on manuscripts (email and author's institution, length of writing, images, etc.).
  • Provide specific comments and interpretations to the authors of the results and conclusions
  • If you use statistical analysis, you can be sure that the statistics are robust and fit for purpose. Likewise, the sampling mechanism has been well explained.

Article review

Articles will be reviewed by 2 reviewers. In reviewing, reviewers can provide some comments as follows.

  • Scope suitability
  • Originality
  • Novelty and relevance to the development of science and technology.
  • The relevance of the reference used and the novelty of the reference
  • Consider research ethics (if the research involves experiments using research animals)
  • Make recommendations that can be used by the editor to decide whether to accept or reject.
  • Classify rejection and acceptance of articles as follows.
    1. If the article is rejected, it will be very helpful if you provide a review (does not meet the criteria related to originality, does not match the field of science, methodology, inconsistent results and discussion, and other substance problems)
    2. If the article is accepted it can be in the form of:
      • Major revision (added experimental data)
      • Moderate revision (clarifying or improving methodology, clarifying analysis, adding references from relevant articles, etc.)
      • Minor revision (textual and format revision)
      • Received without repair.
  • The editor will decide whether the article is rejected or accepted based on the notes from the two reviewers.


Journal of Manilkara will send a notification to the reviewer about the final decision after the editor considers the notes from the two reviewers.