Character state diversity of Litsea (Lauraceae) leaves in Cianjur Herbarium Hortus Botanicus Tjibodensis


  • Dadang Suherman Direktorat Pengelolaan Koleksi Ilmiah, Deputi Infrastruktur Riset, Kebun Raya Cibodas, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional



Litsea, leaf morphological characters, specimens, CHTJ


Herbarium serves as a storage place for plants that have been preserved, both in the form of dry and wet preserves. The specimen material is useful in determining the taxonomic status or identity of a plant. Litsea is one of the genera of the Lauraceae tribe (kamper-kamperan) which has similar leaf morphological characters among the species in it or even with other genera that are still in one tribe. The study aims to explain the variation of leaf morphological characters of species of Litsea clan members derived from herbarium specimens of the Cianjur Herbarium Hortus Botanicus Tjibodensis (CHTJ) collection. The research method uses direct observation of specimens in a careful, detailed, high concentration, and still refer to the information data contained in the herbarium sheet. The results showed that the petiole length ranged from 0.7 cm to 3 cm, the petiole surface was hairy (glabrescent) and glabrous. Species of the genus Litsea have leaf shape (circumscriptio): oval (ovalis/ellipticus), elongated (oblongus), and lobed (lanceolatus); The leaf tip (apex folii) is pointed (acutus) in 5 species, and tapered (acuminatus) in 4 species, obtuse (obtusus) in 3 species; the leaf base (base folii) is rounded (rotundatus) in 4 species, obtuse (obtusus) in 5 species, and pointed (acutus) in 3 species; while the arrangement of leaf bones (nervatio or venation) is pinnate (penninervis). The species also have flat leaf margins (margo folii) (integer), with the leaf blade (intervenium) being paper-like and parchment-like, the leaf color is green, and the leaf surface has pilosus.


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How to Cite

Suherman, D. (2023). Character state diversity of Litsea (Lauraceae) leaves in Cianjur Herbarium Hortus Botanicus Tjibodensis. MANILKARA: Journal of Bioscience, 2(1), 18–26.


