Potensi Buah Alpukat (Persea americana Mill.) sebagai Media Alternatif Pertumbuhan Jamur Fusarium sp.
decriptive, Fusarium sp., ripe avocado, unripe avocadoAbstract
Fungi are microorganisms that live heterotrophically, are saprophytic, and parasitic. Fungi can be grown in-vitro or in-vivo in the laboratory using Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) media. The limited availability of PDA can be overcome by looking for new alternative media derived from materials that are easily obtained based on the potential of natural resources in the immediate environment. The research aims to test avocado fruit as an alternative medium for the growth of Fusarium sp. The research used descriptive exploratory methods and the data were presented in the form of tables, graphs, and figures. The results showed that the growth of Fusarium sp. fungi in avocado fruit media (ripe and unripe avocado fruit media) had better growth than the control. This is characterized by the average diameter of colony growth reaching 93 mm at 96-120 hours after incubation, while on PDA media the average diameter of colony growth reaches 93 mm at 168 hours after incubation. In conclusion, avocado fruit media (Persea americana Mill.) can be used as an alternative media for the growth of Fusarium sp.
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