Implementation of a hybrid mathematics module to minimize students’ learning obstacles when interpreting fractions




A hybrid mathematics module, Didactical design research, Learning barriers, Meaning of fraction


During panic-gogy, learning problems increased, including problems in learning mathematics. Researchers considered parents as participants and used these parents’ considerations as a basis for preparing learning designs. The study aimed to look for alternative solutions to minimize obstacles to students’ mathematics learning during panic-gogy. The research design of this study was didactical design research. The participants were 56 students (13–18 years) and 71 parents (35–50 years) of students at one junior high school in Indonesia. The researcher used several instruments, such as a fraction meaning test, a semi-structured interview, a hybrid mathematical module, and a documentation study. NVivo-12 assisted in the thematic qualitative analysis of the data. The results showed that students had experienced obstacles in interpreting fractions because of the teacher’s limited understanding of fractions. Parents preferred face-to-face learning through online learning platforms. The hybrid mathematics module facilitated various meanings of fractions by integrating problems as situations in constructing these meanings and minimizing students’ learning barriers during panic-gogy.


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How to Cite

Isnawan, M. G., Belbase, S., & Yanuarto, W. N. (2024). Implementation of a hybrid mathematics module to minimize students’ learning obstacles when interpreting fractions. International Journal of Didactic Mathematics in Distance Education, 1(2), 83–101.




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