Dr. Andayani, M.Ed.
(Universitas Terbuka)
About the Journal
Pena Anda is an information and communication tool for practitioners, researchers, and academics who focus on the latest developments in theory, methodology, and best practices in primary school education. This journal is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year in April and October by the Institute for Research and Community Service, Universitas Terbuka. Starting from Volume 2 in 2024, Pena Anda Journal has published a total of 5 articles, consisting of 1 article in English and 4 articles in Indonesian.
ISSN: 3025-065X (Online) | ISSN: 3025-8391 (Printed)
Current Issue
Published: 30-04-2024
Tantangan dan Solusi Guru dalam Merancang RPP Kurikulum 2013
Page 1-8
- 10.33830/penaanda.v2i1.5585
- Abstract 1556
- PDF Downloads 449
Pengaruh Kehadiran Orang Tua terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa SD Al-Munawarah Kelas IV
Page 9-15
- 10.33830/penaanda.v2i1.6346
- Abstract 332
- PDF Downloads 233
Aplikasi Diffit sebagai Alternatif Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia
Page 16-25
- 10.33830/penaanda.v2i1.7498
- Abstract 8083
- PDF Downloads 283
Implementation of Mathematics through Problem-Based Learning Models Assisted by Numbers Media
Page 26-32
- 10.33830/penaanda.v2i1.7535
- Abstract 110
- PDF Downloads 67
Pengaruh Interaksi Teman Sebaya terhadap Peningkatan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik
Page 33-40
- 10.33830/penaanda.v2i1.7822
- Abstract 1083
- PDF Downloads 795