Withdrawal Policies for Manuscript Submission

We understand that circumstances might lead authors to consider withdrawing their submitted manuscripts. To ensure a transparent and consistent process, we have established the following withdrawal policies:

1. Withdrawal Timeframe

Authors can initiate a withdrawal request at any stage of the review process. However, we encourage authors to make withdrawal decisions as early as possible to minimize any inconvenience caused to reviewers, editors, and the publishing workflow.

2. Withdrawal Requests

Authors who wish to withdraw their submitted manuscripts must adhere to the following process:

  • Written Request: A withdrawal request must be submitted in writing. This can be done by sending an email to nisa.wulandari@ecampus.ut.ac.id with the subject line "Manuscript Withdrawal - [Title of Manuscript]."

  • Author Verification: The withdrawal request must come from the manuscript's corresponding author. If, for any reason, the corresponding author is unable to submit the withdrawal request, they should provide explicit written consent for another author to initiate the withdrawal.

  • Reason for Withdrawal: While not mandatory, authors must provide a brief reason for the withdrawal. This helps us improve our processes and understand authors' needs better.

3. Withdrawal Approval

Upon receiving a withdrawal request, our editorial team will review and process the request promptly. Once the withdrawal is approved:

  • The manuscript will be officially marked as withdrawn in our system.
  • The manuscript will be removed from the peer review process, if applicable.
  • The withdrawal will be documented in our records.

4. Ethical Considerations

We take ethical considerations seriously in cases of manuscript withdrawal:

  • If a manuscript is withdrawn before undergoing peer review, any confidential information related to the manuscript will remain confidential.
  • If a manuscript is withdrawn after publication, it will be marked as "Withdrawn" and will no longer be accessible to readers. The reasons for withdrawal will not be disclosed publicly.

5.  Resubmission

Authors are welcome to submit a revised version of the withdrawn manuscript or a new one. The withdrawal of one submission does not impact the submission of other manuscripts.

For any questions or concerns regarding the withdrawal process, please contact our editorial office at nisa.wulandari@ecampus.ut.ac.id or +62 882 1051 4975.

We appreciate your understanding of these withdrawal policies. Thank you for considering The Journal of Humanities and Civic Education (JHCE)  for your scholarly work.