Physical Quality of Gamma Rays-Irradiated Meatball Stored at Room Temperature

  • Deudeu Lasmawati Pusat Riset dan Teknologi Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi-BRIN
  • Farah Nurlidar Pusat Riset dan Teknologi Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi-BRIN
  • Indra Mustika Pratama Pusat Riset dan Teknologi Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi-BRIN
  • Henny Widyastuti Pusat Riset dan Teknologi Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi-BRIN
  • Ashri Mukti Benita Pusat Riset dan Teknologi Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi-BRIN
  • Rindy Panca Tanhindarto Pusat Riset dan Teknologi Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi-BRIN



Meatballs, Irradiation, Physical Quality, Preservation


This study was aimed to investigate the meatballs physical qualities that are irradiated with high-doses of gamma rays. This study used the irradiation method with the dosage of 20, 25
and 35 kGy and storage at room temperature. For the control (0 kGy), storage was done in the freezer. The results showed that at 0 month, the samples water contents at 20; 25; 35 kGy were 67,03%; 67,50%; 66,67%, with significant difference (p<0.05) to control 68,73%. Water content (%) at 2 months were 65,03%; 66.00%; 67.50% and control 63,23% 2 months has
significant difference (p<0.05) but still meet the SNI standard (<70%). Optimum water activity was obtained at irradiation dose of 35 kGy. The pH results doses of 20; 25; 35 kGy
for 0 month were 6,35; 6,34; 6,39 and 2 months were 6,59; 6,47; 6,46, respectively. pH of control was 5,87 at 0 month and 6,49 at 2 months. The pH of samples stored for 0 month were
relatively higher than the control pH. At 2-month storage, the pH of the samples was lower than the control, but still meets the standard. Meatball irradiation up to 35 kGy can be used as an alternative for preservation at room temperature.


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How to Cite
Lasmawati, D., Nurlidar, F., Mustika Pratama, I., Widyastuti, H., Mukti Benita, A. ., & Panca Tanhindarto, R. (2021). Physical Quality of Gamma Rays-Irradiated Meatball Stored at Room Temperature. Food Scientia: Journal of Food Science and Technology, 1(2), 69–86.