Review of Plant-Based Milk Utilization as a Substitute for Animal Milk

  • Intan Maris Program Studi Teknologi Pangan Universitas Terbuka
  • Mohamad Rajih Radiansyah Program Studi Teknologi Pangan Universitas Terbuka



Plant-based milk, Alternative food, Food technology


In general, milk is a white liquid secreted by animal’s mammary gland and contained lactose.
Problems occured when some people have an allergy to lactose thus an alternative is created
in the form of dairy products with plants as the basic ingredient. This study aims to determine
the nutritional value and the advantage of plant-based milk on health and nutrition fulfillment
so it can be used as a substitute of animal milk for people with lactose intolerance. In this
study, the milk in plant-based milk refers to extracts of various plants. Plant-based milk has a
distinctive odor depending on the plant-based ingredients used. In this article, the study was
carried on the physical characteristics, nutritional values and benefits of plant-based milk
consumption for health and a comparison with animal milk (cow’s milk) was also done. The
literature indicated that nutritional value of plant-based milk is comparable to animal milk.
Despite no observable physical differences between plant-based milk and animal milk, there
was still a need for improvements in the way to add flavour to plant-based milk to attract
consumer’s interest. Plant-based milk has its benefits for heart health due to its lack of
cholesterol levels in it. There are five types of plant-based milk studied within the scope of this
article; these are soy, almond, oat, mung beans, and cashew.


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How to Cite
Maris, I., & Radiansyah, M. R. . (2021). Review of Plant-Based Milk Utilization as a Substitute for Animal Milk. Food Scientia: Journal of Food Science and Technology, 1(2), 103–116.