billing system, registrations, sistem registrasiAbstract
The objectives of the study were to examine the implementation of registration with the billing system, and to analyze the factors that affect the registration with the new system.
The study was conducted in three regional centers: Jakarta, Bogor and Serang. The research method is correlational descriptive and it includes different means of data collection, such as questionnaire, observation, and in-depth interview. Total of 206 sample students were selected through purposive sampling from the three locations. The data gathered was analyzed indescriptive statistics and inferential statistics, specifically regression test. The results of the study show that the implementation of billing system registration can minimize cases and problems of registration; and the information about registration together with the role of the study group board (pokjar board), service UPBJJ-UT, UT service center, bank services, and registration monitoring significant affected on the student registration process through the billing system.
Penulisan artikel ini menyajikan hasil studi tentang implementasi registrasi dengan billing system serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Studi dilakukan di tiga Unit Program Belajar Jarak Jauh (UPBJJ-UT), yaitu UPBJJ-UT Jakarta, Bogor, dan Serang. Studi deskriptif korelasional ini mendeskripsikan data berdasarkan perbedaan rata-rata yang diperoleh melalui kuesioner, observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Responden mahasiswa dipilih melalui purposive sampling berjumlah 206 orang. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferensial (uji regresi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa billing system dapat meminimalkan masalah-masalah registrasi yang terjadi. Informasi tentang registrasi peran pengurus pokjar, layanan UPBJJ-UT, layanan UT Pusat, layanan bank, dan monitoring registrasi secara bersama-sama berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap proses registrasi mahasiswa melalui billing system.
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